In order to better serve our East Valley Criminal Defense clients, we are excited to announce the opening of our Mesa, Arizona office!
In addition to the Phoenix, Arizona office, Naegle & Crider Criminal Defense Attorneys now has a Mesa, Arizona office located at:
1237 S. Val Vista Dr. Suite 219
Mesa, Arizona 85204
Our Phoenix, Arizona office still remains at:
668 N. 44th Street, Suite 300
Phoenix, Arizona 85008
We will be working out of both locations depending on the needs and the location of the client. It is our hope that this new office allows us to better service the needs of the community we work with and protect. As always, we will still continue to make jail visits and make other meeting arrangements when visiting the office is not an option or preference.
To schedule a free, criminal defense consultation with Criminal Defense Attorney Mesa AZ Charlie Naegle at either the Mesa or Phoenix office, please call 480-245-5550 or fill out the free consultation request form below.