Just about any sex crime on record in Arizona, from indecent exposure to prostitution to possession of child pornography, will include mandatory sex offender registration upon conviction. For many people who can avoid jail time, perhaps through probation or a lessening of their charges, this registration represents the worst part of their conviction. Depending on the sentencing, sex offender registration can last a lifetime with no chance of removal. But once someone is actually on such a list, what does that do? What does it mean? And, arguably most importantly, who can see it?
Details About Sex Offender Registry in Arizona
Sex crime convicts in Arizona will be assigned a certain “risk” level upon sentencing. The higher the risk level, the more details that must be added to their sex offender registration form and the longer they will exist on the list. For most sex offenders convicted of misdemeanor sex crimes, registration lasts between 5 and 10 years, and will include their name, address, and violation.
Registration will also include a variety of different requirements and conditions. Most registrants need to reregister and update their information once a year, or face criminal penalties. High risk level sex offenders may need to register as often as once every three months. Registrants of all sorts are also barred from living within certain distances of schools, and must notify new communities, educational institutions, and employers of their registrant status.
Who Can Access the Sex Offender List?
In Arizona, the details of the sex offender list are not shown openly to the public; only law enforcement officers can view it at their own discretion. However, this does not mean that the information is permanently hidden away from others. If there is valid reason to access the sex offender registration, such as hiring a new employee in a workplace that frequently has children within it, anyone can petition the court to grant them access to it.
If you are accused of a sex crime, you must be aware that one of the only ways to not be added to a sex offender registry is to avoid conviction. Contact Naegle & Crider today to speak with a team of Mesa criminal defense attorneys that can help you understand and protect your rights.